Connecting signals and slots with different parameters: Is it possible?
I wish to make a connection, and I'm aware that they both must have the same type of parameter in order to work. My question is:
Is there a way, or workaround, to this issue?
In my project, I want to connect a simple valuechanged signal to a a slot that receives 3 QWidet parameters.
This is the code in question://OperatorLogged is a valuechanged signal, nothing weird. connect(login, SIGNAL(operatorLogged(int)), this, SLOT(createOperatorInterface(QWidget*, QWidget*, QWidget*))); //createOperatorInterface takes the QWidget arguments and adds them to "this" stacked layout. "This" being the main widget, by the way.
I would also like to know if using the main.cpp is the best practice, as I was taught in OOP, to work with my code. The whole issue comes from me trying to work in the main.cpp like this:
#include "mainwidget.h" #include "qlogin.h" #include "qdispense.h" #include "qdispensedisplay.h" #include "qresult.h" #include <QApplication> #include <QCalendarWidget> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication Skylord(argc, argv); mainWidget mwMainWidget;; QLogin *loginWidget = new QLogin; QDispense *dispenseWidget = new QDispense; QDispenseDisplay *dispenseDisplayWidget = new QDispenseDisplay; QResult *resultWidget = new QResult; mwMainWidget.createLogin(loginWidget); return Skylord.exec(); }
Thanks in advance.
Short answer: no
The slot signature must either have the same number or less parameters than the signal and the type must be the same.