Merging My Standard Makefile with a Qmake-generated Makefile?
Right now I have two makefiles, one that I have created myself, the other was generated using qmake. However, I need to leave just one (the one I created manually) and adjust it to use qmake for compiling my source code. Does anybody know how can I do this?
Here's my Makefile:
include $(TOPDIR)/
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
define Package/cloud
TITLE:=Cloud Package
DEPENDS:=+qt4 +qt4-gui +qt4-network
endefdefine Package/cloud/description
Cloud Package
endefdefine Build/Prepare
mkdir -p $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)
$(CP) ./src/* $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/endef
define Build/Configure
endefdefine Build/Compile
endefdefine Package/cloud/install
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/exec$(1)/usr/sbin/endef
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,cloud)) -
You can use MAKEFILE to force qmake to use another file name for the generated Makefile, like this (in your .pro file):
That can help you in working with your Makefile and the generated one without the danger of overwriting them. Alternatively, you can ditch qmake completely and put all UIC, MOC, RCC and C++ call there. This, however, is tedious and will make the maintenance harder.
What about within the Makefile? Is there a way that I could execute "qmake -makefile" from my Makefile? I think it's possible but I don't know how can I do it syntax-wise.
@Jesse-James said:
What about within the Makefile? Is there a way that I could execute "qmake -makefile" from my Makefile? I think it's possible but I don't know how can I do it syntax-wise.
Yes, that is also possible.
I can't check myself right now, but something like that should work:
# Call qmake from custom makefile qmake MAKEFILE=myTempMakeFile # Build the project make -j 8 # Remove the generated file (if you wish) rm myTempMakeFile
You may need to enclose MAKEFILE=myTempMakeFile in quotes, please test. Also, with that kind of stuff you need to be careful and test separately for each platform (especially Windows) as the syntax might be different there.