Debug crash from stack trace that only shows Qt code
Hello folks,
Every so often when I close my Qt program it crashes. I immediately fired up the debugger to fix the problem ASAP. However, I'm totally lost on this one. The stack trace does not show any of my custom code: screenshot
I'm really not sure where to begin (and how) for tracking this issue down in order to fix it.The other thing I noticed is the following output on the console which I highly assume is related to the problem:
HEAP[uGFXStudio.exe]: HEAP: Free Heap block 15F094D0 modified at 15F09504 after it was freed
Any help would be appreciated.
What kind of model are you using ?
Then, are you modifying some data after it's being freed ?
1 : Could you post minimum codes to generate the errors?
2 : If this question seem stupid please ignore it, did you try to static link to the dll of Qt?