Cross desktop
I've given a Qt presentation for the third time, slides worth more than a thousand words :)
Link to slides on slideshare: "":
I use Qt to deploy a Windows application using Linux as dev plataform (i like the tools in linux:) )
(i never used Mac :( ) -
[quote author="Wagner Reck" date="1274460896"]I use Qt to deploy a Windows application using Linux as dev plataform (i like the tools in linux:) )
(i never used Mac :( )[/quote]Wagner, do you compile your Windows executables on Linux (MinGW?), or you develop your application in Linux and compile it on Windows?
[quote author="Esdras Beleza" date="1274465574"][quote author="Wagner Reck" date="1274460896"]I use Qt to deploy a Windows application using Linux as dev plataform (i like the tools in linux:) )
(i never used Mac :( )[/quote]Wagner, do you compile your Windows executables on Linux (MinGW?), or you develop your application in Linux and compile it on Windows?[/quote]
No cross compile (for now). Develop on linux and compile on Windows to deploy.
I have plans in a near future to make cross compile in linux (yes MinGW).
I'am developing an imaging application for Symbian phones. Most of the functionalities are complete. It is working fine on Symbian phones. What is relevant to your question is that I have used the same code with a recompile to create a windows desktop application which is also working fine. But I used different IDEs, CARBIDE for Symbian and QT Creator for the windows application. We may get cross compilation capabilities in future with Qt Creator. This application doesn't use any mobile specific functionalities though. so I dont know about Qt mobility apis regarding different platforms like Qt, Maemo 5 or Meego or Winmo
I am working on an app that is targeted to mac, linux, and windows and I know some people who choose qt just because it gives you the power to move from platform to platform with mostly the same code (there always are small glitches :P )
I'm using Qt for developing win/linux/macos applications. Linux is main development platform (for me it is really easier than developing in windows env) and compilation/testing only at other platforms. Now we are starting development for mobile world using third party tools such as lighthouse-android.
I'm using Qt from 3rd edition and found this framework really awesome, can't find any alternatives for it (we tried another GUI libraries such as gtk or wxwidgets, but they are not so flexible in cross-platform world as Qt). -
Made in the past a midi editor for a guitar effect unit, runs on windows, linux and mac. "":
In applications I have written and compiled so far in Windows-XP, Ubuntu and Mac OS X all things worked as the were supposed to do. There was a warning about memory leaking that I got every time at Mac OS X but with the latest Qt / Qt Creator versions I don't get it any more.
Qt is used extensively inside Boeing for this very purpose. On the systems I work on, we build for multiple platforms concurrently. At anytime we can jump to another OS when the situation warrants it. There is not a single perfect solution, and with increasingly complex applications, ifdefs and different OS specific libraries will be involved. But when it comes to the basic application framework, Qt shines on cross platform solutions.