How to adapt the size of QWebView to its contents
This is pyqt5 code, but it doesn't make much difference with its C++ version. You could also post C++ version here If you like. HtmlEditor should display only a line at first, with the height just enough to hold a line, not bigger, not smaller. As the user inputs more lines, the height of HtmlEditor will get bigger too. I tried to use as follows, it didn't work. I tried to replace with self.fontSize + self.contentsMargins().top() + self.contentsMargins().bottom(). But self.contentsMargins().top() and self.contentsMargins().bottom() are always zero. I don't know why. How to do the trick?
class HtmlEditor(QWebView): def __init__(self, fontSize): super().__init__() self.fontSize = fontSize self.setupFont() self.sizeChange() def setupFont(self): self.htmlEditorSettings = self.settings() self.htmlEditorSettings.setFontSize(QWebSettings.DefaultFontSize, self.fontSize) def sizeChange(self): docHeight = self.setFixedHeight(docHeight)