[SOLVED] QLineEdit does not receive character input on Android
@tarod.net Hmm... I am thinkg about what if previously a slot was created for text change event, but already its removed.
Is it possibble that some artifact remained somewhere that actually occure when the text changed but does nothing?
@tarod.net I tried all the suggestions without success...
- QWidget works the same
- textEdited() and textChanged() slots never called
So here are some snipplets from this class.
class MctMainDialog : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: explicit MctMainDialog(QWidget *parent , KWDocument *document , QString url); ~MctMainDialog(); public slot: // some button action private: // some custom private action }
myDialog.cpp : constructor
MyDialog::MyDialog(QWidget *parent, KWDocument *document, QString url) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::MctMainDialog), document(document), fileUrl(url), isEnabled(false) { ui->setupUi(this); this->setWindowFlags(Qt::Popup| Qt::FramelessWindowHint); sc = QApplication::primaryScreen(); sc->setOrientationUpdateMask(Qt::LandscapeOrientation | Qt::PortraitOrientation | Qt::InvertedPortraitOrientation | Qt::InvertedLandscapeOrientation); connect(sc, SIGNAL(orientationChanged(Qt::ScreenOrientation)), this, SLOT(orientationChanged(Qt::ScreenOrientation))); connect(this, SIGNAL(start()), this, SLOT(startFunctionality())); connect(this, SIGNAL(openMManager()), this, SLOT(mManager())); connect(this, SIGNAL(openRManager()), this, SLOT(rManager())); connect(this, SIGNAL(clearComboBox()), ui->revComboBox, SLOT(clear())); ui->currentRevNumLabel->setText("0"); }
I am not sure what other part of my code would be interresting. I call the constructor once in a handler class, than connect some signals and slots and thats all. Buttons, ComboBox, other signals/slots doing fine.
Hmm.. and from the ui code:
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="authorName"> <property name="enabled"> <bool>false</bool> <!-- This is the initial case, re-enabled after some action --> </property> <property name="text"> <string/> </property> <property name="placeholderText"> <string>Author</string> </property> </widget>
@SteveMBay Hi Steve,
I don't see where you are enabling
. When and where is the property changed?BTW, I see the code
in your constructor. Do you want to disable the window at the beginning? -
I have a private method to enable/disable the ui elements when the functionality is turned on. There will be the authorName enabled as well. And yes, at the beginning all ui elements of this dialog are disabled.Fortunately I managed to fix it. You had almost right, inheriting from QWidget is the solution.
(Also, here is a related stack overflow question without answer.)But I created the interface with Qt Creator and tried to manually change the base class. Unsuccessful.
I had a liitle time today, so recreated the entire UI in Qt Creator using QWidget, and taa-daa, it works now.So, thanks for the advices!
Oh, and wait a sec...
I forgot to add the following line:this->setWindowFlags(Qt::Popup| Qt::FramelessWindowHint);
It was neccessary becasue without it I was not able to hide my widget when other parts got focus.
But after I added it, the line edit went awry again...
I am so confused now... -
@SteveMBay I don't understand why you need that flags. With those flags, you get a window modal and with no frame, but you are not hiding the window, aren't you?
Anyway, I know there are people complaining about that issue on the Internet.
Try with
setWindowFlags(Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint | Qt::Popup);
@tarod.net Definitely, I have the same issue. At the beginning I did not know that was caused by the flags.
I tried your suggestion - and also called activateWindow() right after using show() - but still no input operation.If I dont use the flags the widget wont disappear after I touch the surrounding area.
@tarod.net I just wanted to write. :) It isn't a "back & white" situation.
Qt::Popup is the "bad" who prevents to use the QLineEdit but it is the "good" as well, because it allows the background to get input (and this hides my widget). As I've read in the Qt doc other flags prevent the background to get any input.
@SteveMBay Sorry, Steve, but I don't understand well the situation.
- When you say "background", you mean another window which is showing your MctMainDialog class?
- The widget you mention, is the MctMainDialog class you showed some days ago?
- You say the widget won't disappear after you touch the surrounding area, but if you detect a touching event, you could hide the widget or window using the functions provided by Qt, couldn't you?
@tarod.net Sorry, my English isn't the best.
- Yes, the "background" is a main window (my application is a text editor) and this widget is like a dropdown menu, where I can setup many things.
- Yes, we are talking the same widget that was QDialog before, but I recreated and now it is a QWidget. (Now called MctWidget, and yes, the name was misleading, it was "main" because it had some child dialogs as well.)
- Maybe :) My (really) main window contains a tool handler object which owns the formatting and configuring dialogs and widgets.
Now I am trying :
- to override
on this ReallyMainWindow focusInEvent()
emits a signal that connected to ToolHandler- ToolHandler gets a new slot: where calls
@SteveMBay Thank you for your answers! :)
Why don't you set MctWidget as modal
and add a button to close this child window?
If you implement that, MctWidget will remain opened until the user clicks the close button, but you will have more control to avoid wrong behaviours.
The line
this->setWindowFlags(Qt::Popup| Qt::FramelessWindowHint);
should be removed if you like the idea.About
, try with this instead:bool ReallyMainWindow::event(QEvent *e) { { if (e->type() == QEvent::WindowActivate) { // window was activated } return QWidget::event(e); }
@tarod.net The Modal window does the trick! Now this works fine! Thank you!
It's so easy solution...
(Otherwise, I don't understand why Qt::Popup prevented to get input. Is this a bug or a feature?)
(About ReallyMainWindow... i found that other view catches the input instead of RMW, and I didn't modify the code so deep, so this was a dead end as well)
@SteveMBay When you say that other view catches the input, do you mean other subwindows or child windows which you are using to setup your main window?
In my opinion, it's the same case, and I think you should apply the same solution setting the window modality as
. -
@tarod.net It isn't so important, but I can explain it.
Other views are the surrounding and background objects on the screen (such as toolbar and docview).
ReallyMainWindow class is just a container, it does not implements the event handling. To be honest, the main structure is not my task and I am not really familiar with the deep details. As far as I see, there are more surface object where the input (touch) can be caught.
+---ReallyMAinWindow----+ | toolbar | +-------------+-----+---+ | | MCT | | | +-----+ | | docview | | | +-----------------------+