Cannot read from input file: android-libbuild-*
I have Googled but I don't understand why I get the error message.
First, my setup:
OS: Ubuntu 14.10 64bit
QtCreator: 3.1.1
Qt: 5.3.0 (GCC 4.9.1, 64bit)Qt version (qmake): Qt 5.4.1 (android_armv7)
Compiler: Android for armeabi-v7a (GCC 4.9, Qt 5.4.1)I get to the final step, the build is successful and when I run make install INSTALL_ROOT=/path I get no error.
However when I run androiddeployqt (the version that came with Qt 5.4.1, I have also tried compiling androiddeployqt from the git repository), I get the error message "Cannot read from input file: android-libbuild-*"The big question is, what am I doing wrong?
Best Regards
/ Rasmus