[solved] I need more than 1.4 Gb memory
Hi erverybody,
I need to used more than 1.4Go of memory for my application.
Who can I do this?If used more than 1.4Gb, my application crash.
I use Qt 5.2 with mingw 4.8 32 bit under windows 8.1
And I have 64 Gb of memory
It's an OS limitation. Windows exposes only 2GB of addressable memory space to 32 bit processes. Adding to that a minimum allocation size, fragmentation and alignment requirements you're hitting the upper deck.
You could compile your app with /LARGEADDRESSAWARE. That would up the addressable space to 4GB (3.something in practice) on 64 bit system and to 3GB (2.something in practice) on a 32 bit Windows with /3GB switch.
In practice I would recommend to optimize your app. Either make it use less memory or switch to 64bit. It's 2015. It's time ;)
@Chris-Kawa said:
It's an OS limitation. Windows exposes only 2GB of addressable memory space to 32 bit processes. Adding to that a minimum allocation size, fragmentation and alignment requirements you're hitting the upper deck.
You could compile your app with /LARGEADDRESSAWARE. That would up the addressable space to 4GB (3.something in practice) on 64 bit system and to 3GB (2.something in practice) on a 32 bit Windows with /3GB switch.
In practice I would recommend to optimize your app. Either make it use less memory or switch to 64bit. It's 2015. It's time ;)
I try to pass my app in 64 bits but I have some dll of harware only avilable in 32 bits.
And I don't know how compile in 64 bit with Qt. It's complicatied I found. And everything I trired doesn't work.
I ask this because my app can import/export datas and in this data, I have big pixmap (10800*800), I can have several pixamp in exportation.
If I export more than 40 pixmap, I have more than 1,4 Gb in memory and my apps crash.
I don't know how to prevent this.Thx for your reply.
@Franckynos It is a lot of extra work, but you can access 32bit dlls from a 64bit program with some extra work arounds.
Check this for precompiled 64 bit Qt:
http://tver-soft.org/qt64 -
I think it's on way...
My compilation has passed !!!
I have juste some error with linking library, I have compiled in 64bits my personnal library. That remove some errors, but I have one that can't be recompile, (supplier lib) who can I include it ?
You have an idea @Goddard ?Thx your reply.