Settings working (restoring) on Mac+Linux, but not Windows
I am trying to use the Settings feature to save user preferences.
Basically, I have:
Settings {
id: userPreferences
property string startUpPath: ""
}And to make sure I sync the variable on quit, I use Component.onDestruction
Component.onDestruction: {
userPreferences.startUpPath= Global.lastUserPath;
}Everything has worked so far on Mac and Linux, but I just started testing Windows and I noticed that my variable is always empty every time I launch my program. I put a console.log in my onDestruction: so I see that I'm setting the variable on quit.
Can anybody recommend how to fix this or debug this? I'm very new to Qt and I really have no ideas on how to debug this.
I figured it out. I didn't specify the following in my main.cpp:
app.setOrganizationName("Some Company"); app.setOrganizationDomain(""); app.setApplicationName("Amazing Application");
Strange that OS X or Linux didn't need these, but makes sense why I need this.
Which version of Qt are you using ?
Then you should take a look at the bug report system Windows behaving differently looks like a bug