Zoom at Mouse position
Hi all,
I have a MouseArea as a child of Flickable and I want zoom an Image on the mouse position but I have always the same effect (zoom at x=0 y=0 position).Has anyone had the same problem?
This is my sample qml code:
import QtQuick 2.4 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 Window { visible: true width:1280 height:800 Rectangle { id:root anchors.fill: parent Flickable { id: flick anchors.fill: parent contentHeight: mapImage.height contentWidth: mapImage.width clip: true // Map Image Item { id: mapImageContainer width: Math.max(mapImage.width * mapImage.scale, flick.width) height: Math.max(mapImage.height * mapImage.scale, flick.height) Image { id: mapImage z: dragArea.z+1 source: "http://www.astronomy2009.it/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/legge_hubble.jpg" anchors.centerIn: parent fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit } MouseArea { id: dragArea hoverEnabled: true width: Math.max(mapImage.width * mapImage.scale, flick.width) height: Math.max(mapImage.height * mapImage.scale, flick.height) drag.target: mapImageContainer drag.minimumX: 0 drag.minimumY: 0 drag.maximumX: flick.width - mapImage.width drag.maximumY: flick.height - mapImage.height onDoubleClicked: { mapImage.scale = 1.0; flick.contentHeight = mapImage.height * mapImage.scale flick.contentWidth = mapImage.width * mapImage.scale } onWheel: { if (wheel.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier) { } else { var scale = mapImage.scale+mapImage.scale * wheel.angleDelta.y / 800; mapImage.scale = scale; flick.contentHeight = mapImage.height * mapImage.scale flick.contentWidth = mapImage.width * mapImage.scale } } } } } } }
IvanEdited: Please put code after ``` (3 backticks) and end with the same - p3c0
Thanks a lot for your reply (It works perfectly) and sorry for my mistake in posting the code.
I have only another question, I don't understand how compute the new dimension of the image or the rectangle (rect)... I have printed a console.debug of the scale or width and height... and they are always the same...
Ok, no problem:
import QtQuick 2.4 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 Window { id:mappanel visible: true width:1280 height:800 color: "white" Flickable { id: flick anchors.fill: parent clip: true // Map Rectangle { id: rect border.width: 2 width: Math.max(mapImage.sourceSize.width, flick.width) height: Math.max(mapImage.sourceSize.height, flick.height) transform: Scale { id: scaler origin.x: pinchArea.m_x2 origin.y: pinchArea.m_y2 xScale: pinchArea.m_zoom2 yScale: pinchArea.m_zoom2 } Image { id: mapImage z: dragArea.z+1 source: "http://www.astronomy2009.it/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/legge_hubble.jpg" //anchors.centerIn: parent //fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit anchors.fill: parent } PinchArea { id: pinchArea anchors.fill: parent property real m_x1: 0 property real m_y1: 0 property real m_y2: 0 property real m_x2: 0 property real m_zoom1: 0.5 property real m_zoom2: 0.5 property real m_max: 2 property real m_min: 0.5 onPinchStarted: { console.log("Pinch Started") m_x1 = scaler.origin.x m_y1 = scaler.origin.y m_x2 = pinch.startCenter.x m_y2 = pinch.startCenter.y rect.x = rect.x + (pinchArea.m_x1-pinchArea.m_x2)*(1-pinchArea.m_zoom1) rect.y = rect.y + (pinchArea.m_y1-pinchArea.m_y2)*(1-pinchArea.m_zoom1) } onPinchUpdated: { console.log("Pinch Updated") m_zoom1 = scaler.xScale var dz = pinch.scale-pinch.previousScale var newZoom = m_zoom1+dz if (newZoom <= m_max && newZoom >= m_min) { m_zoom2 = newZoom } } MouseArea { id: dragArea hoverEnabled: true anchors.fill: parent drag.target: rect drag.filterChildren: true onWheel: { console.log("Wheel Scrolled") pinchArea.m_x1 = scaler.origin.x pinchArea.m_y1 = scaler.origin.y pinchArea.m_zoom1 = scaler.xScale pinchArea.m_x2 = mouseX pinchArea.m_y2 = mouseY var newZoom if (wheel.angleDelta.y > 0) { newZoom = pinchArea.m_zoom1+0.1 if (newZoom <= pinchArea.m_max) { pinchArea.m_zoom2 = newZoom } else { pinchArea.m_zoom2 = pinchArea.m_max } } else { newZoom = pinchArea.m_zoom1-0.1 if (newZoom >= pinchArea.m_min) { pinchArea.m_zoom2 = newZoom } else { pinchArea.m_zoom2 = pinchArea.m_min } } rect.x = rect.x + (pinchArea.m_x1-pinchArea.m_x2)*(1-pinchArea.m_zoom1) rect.y = rect.y + (pinchArea.m_y1-pinchArea.m_y2)*(1-pinchArea.m_zoom1) console.debug(rect.width+" -- "+rect.height+"--"+rect.scale) } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: console.log("Click in child") } } } } } }
Basically I want to limit the drag of the image, in my old code I used this :
drag.minimumX: 0 drag.minimumY: 0 drag.maximumX: flick.width - mapImage.width drag.maximumY: flick.height - mapImage.height
But now it doesn't work
Thanks for your help
@shedo try with sourceSize.
drag.maximumX: flick.width - mapImage.sourceSize.width drag.maximumY: flick.height - mapImage.sourceSize.height
@p3c0 said:
@shedo try with sourceSize.
drag.maximumX: flick.width - mapImage.sourceSize.width drag.maximumY: flick.height - mapImage.sourceSize.height
With this code, the image will not drag anymore, If you want you can try my old code and you can see the result I want to achieve (You try to move the image over the limits and it returns to the bounds automatically).