QProgressDialog doesn't show up
I am monitoring progress of the function which emits signals to show progress. The signals are caught in the slots below and I can debug through them, only thing the progress never shows up. In fact it was showing up but it somehow stopped doing that.
void MainWindow::InitiateProgress(int numFiles) { QString msg("Creating '%1' files..."); progress = (QSharedPointer<QProgressDialog>) new QProgressDialog(msg, "Cancel", 0, numFiles, this, Qt::Dialog) ; progress->setAutoClose( false ); progress->setMinimumDuration(0); progress->setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal); progress->setModal( true ); progress->setAutoReset( false ); progress->setWindowTitle( APP_NAME ); QSize size = progress->size(); size.setWidth( size.width() + 180 ); progress->resize( size ); } void MainWindow::SetProgress(int filesProcessed) { progress->setValue( filesProcessed ); } void MainWindow::FinishProgress() { progress->setLabelText("Finished creating files"); progress->setCancelButtonText("Finish"); }
I did made sure I am calling QApplication::processEvents(); in the function loop so messages are processed in GUI. Also tried putting the caller function into a seperate through via the call (below) but it still not display. The debugger tell me the slots are executed and has correct values as expected.
QtConcurrent::run( this, &MainWindow::convertFiles, sourceDir.absolutePath(), destDir.absolutePath() ) ;
[edit: update coding tags SGaist]
Are you updating progress directly in your slot ?
Also note that you are recreating a new dialog each time you call InitiateProgress and not really correctly since you are using a QSharedPointer. If you really want to recreate the progress dialog, call reset on progress