[Solved] QML template exchange
perhaps it would be good to have a section in the forum where we can exchange templates. for example i've compiled a very basic 'triangle' item
@import QtQuick 2.4
Canvas {
id: triangle
antialiasing: trueproperty int triangleWidth: 60 property int triangleHeight: 60 property color strokeStyle: "#ffffff" property color fillStyle: "#ffffff" property int lineWidth: 3 property bool fill: false property bool stroke: true property real alpha: 1.0 states: [ State { name: "pressed"; when: ma1.pressed PropertyChanges { target: triangle; fill: true; } } ] onLineWidthChanged:requestPaint(); onFillChanged:requestPaint(); onStrokeChanged:requestPaint(); signal clicked() onPaint: { var ctx = getContext("2d"); ctx.save(); ctx.clearRect(0,0,triangle.width, triangle.height); ctx.strokeStyle = triangle.strokeStyle; ctx.lineWidth = triangle.lineWidth ctx.fillStyle = triangle.fillStyle ctx.globalAlpha = triangle.alpha ctx.lineJoin = "round"; ctx.beginPath(); // put rectangle in the middle ctx.translate( (0.5 *width - 0.5*triangleWidth), (0.5 * height - 0.5 * triangleHeight)) // draw the rectangle ctx.moveTo(0,triangleHeight/2 ); // left point of triangle ctx.lineTo(triangleWidth, 0); ctx.lineTo(triangleWidth,triangleHeight); ctx.closePath(); if (triangle.fill) ctx.fill(); if (triangle.stroke) ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); } MouseArea{ id: ma1 anchors.fill: parent onClicked: parent.clicked() }
@ -
The wiki could be used for that