Raspberry Pi and Stackview
I have run into what I think is rather odd.
I am building an app that uses Stackview. On Windows and Linux everything works fine. However, on the Pi I get a recursionGuard error when trying to access another view. I thought that was a little odd so I compiled and ran the Touch example from source and guess what? It does the same thing. Again, the Touch example works fine on Linux and Windows.
Is there something different about the Pi? Shouldn't be as it is still Linux, I have compiled from 5.3.2 from source.
I have searched everywhere and nothing but dead ends. -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Are you running your application through an X server or eglfs ?
Then it sounds like it might be a bug.
You should take a look at the "bug report system":http://bugreports.qt.io to see if you find something