Qml application with opencv
Hello, im trying to create a desktop application with an attractive gui but im not sure if i can use imshow function mouse call back function with QML apps, is it possible to make them work together? as i want the image view in the gui integrated with opencv
It seems you need some sort of communication between C++ and QML. Have a look at "Integrating QML and C++":http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtqml-cppintegration-topic.html document.
Yes. Basically you have to wrap the code inside QObject or QQuickItem derived clasess and register them as QML instantiable types. Try googling "qml opencv" to find some example projects.
Since Qt 5.4 is installed QtQuick 2.4 should be there already.
"LiveCV":http://livecv.dinusv.com might be interesting in your case if your application is GPL