Visual bug when using show() on a widget above a QPushButton
Hey everyone, I've been trying to solve this for hours now... Here is what I'm trying to do:
My main window has a QPushButton, when you click on it an hidden widget appears above all the other widgets. The newly shown widget contains a single QWidget displaying an image. The problem is, the QPushButton seems to interfer with the QWidget display. Here is the result:
! bug - before resize)!
Something interesting to note, after resize, the display corrects itself:
! corrected - after resize)!
Here is my code (window.cpp and imagelabel.cpp are probably the only important files, but I've put all others if you want to compile it yourself):
@#include <QApplication>
#include <QtWidgets>
#include "window.h"int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);Window w;; return app.exec();
@#ifndef WINDOW
#define WINDOW#include <QtWidgets>
#include <string>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <QFrame>
#include <QDebug>#include "imagelabel.h"
class Window : public QMainWindow
Q_OBJECTpublic: Window(); void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event); void moveEvent(QMoveEvent *event); private: QWidget *centralWidget; QVBoxLayout *mainLayout; QVBoxLayout *overlayLayout; QWidget *cardPicker;
#endif // WINDOW@
#define IMAGELABEL#include <QWidget>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QPaintEvent>
#include <QDebug>class ImageLabel : public QWidget
explicit ImageLabel(QWidget parent = 0);
const QPixmap pixmap() const;public slots:
void setPixmap(const QPixmap&);protected:
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *);private:
QPixmap pix;
};#endif // IMAGELABEL@
@#include "imagelabel.h"ImageLabel::ImageLabel(QWidget *parent) :
}void ImageLabel::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
QWidget::paintEvent(event);if (pix.isNull()) return; QPainter painter(this); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); QSize pixSize = pix.size(); pixSize.scale(event->rect().size(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio); QPixmap scaledPix = pix.scaled(pixSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation ); painter.drawPixmap(QPoint(), scaledPix);
const QPixmap* ImageLabel::pixmap() const
return &pix;
}void ImageLabel::setPixmap (const QPixmap &pixmap)
pix = pixmap;
@#include "window.h"Window::Window()
setMinimumSize(475, 325);centralWidget = new QWidget; setCentralWidget(centralWidget); // Default central widget mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(centralWidget); // Main application buttons QPushButton *openCPButton = new QPushButton("Open CardPicker"); QPushButton *quitButton = new QPushButton("Quit"); QObject::connect(quitButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), qApp, SLOT(quit())); mainLayout->addWidget(openCPButton); mainLayout->addWidget(quitButton); // The pop up widget that appears when "openCPButton" is clicked cardPicker = new QWidget(centralWidget); cardPicker->hide(); QObject::connect(openCPButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), cardPicker, SLOT(show())); overlayLayout = new QVBoxLayout(cardPicker); QWidget *m_cpFrame = new QLabel(); m_cpFrame->setStyleSheet(" QLabel { background-color : white;" "color : blue; border: 2px solid black;}"); overlayLayout->addWidget(m_cpFrame); QVBoxLayout *cardsLayout = new QVBoxLayout(m_cpFrame); ImageLabel *card = new ImageLabel(); card->setPixmap(QPixmap("Images/cards/2c.png")); cardsLayout->addWidget(card); QPushButton *closeCPButton = new QPushButton("Close"); QObject::connect(closeCPButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), cardPicker, SLOT(hide())); cardsLayout->addWidget(closeCPButton);
void Window::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event)
cardPicker->resize(this->width()*0.9, this->height()*0.6);
}void Window::moveEvent(QMoveEvent *)
cardPicker->move(width()*0.05, height()*0.2);
@I've tried this code on multiples compilers and it's always the same. I'm on Windows 8.1, Qt5.4.0. Thanks for your help!
Maybe a silly question but why don't you use QLabel ?
I needed to resize my image and keep its aspect ratio. When I googled that I ended up finding this stackoverflow question and answer:
"How do I make an image resize to scale in Qt?":
The code seemed to make sense, and while the display bug probably comes from there, I'm not sure what I should change nor why is it not working?
Does it also happen if you run your card picker solo ?