Not able to install on Raspbian
I am trying to get the compiler to work.
Downloaded the online installer from the site, make it executable and then it does not execute..
The ls command gives me the following(QT is the online installer)
chmod +x QT
bash: ./QT: cannot execute binary file..
Same holds for the offline installer..
Can anyone help?Note:
I found out when pressing ctrl+alt+1, I get the following:
@/root/QT: 1: /root/QT: (chars I can't express) not found
/root/QT: 3: /root/QT: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")@ -
The installers are not built for ARM but for x86 and x86_64. You have to build Qt yourself for Raspbian either natively (takes lots of time) or by cross-compilation.
[quote author="SGaist" date="1422048919"]Hi,
The installers are not built for ARM but for x86 and x86_64. You have to build Qt yourself for Raspbian either natively (takes lots of time) or by cross-compilation.[/quote]
Aight! Thanks for this!
You're welcome !
Happy building :)