[SOLVED] QML on Android : How can I determine the status of my app
in android app, each activity has many status like onStart , onStop, onPause...etchow can I achieve the same thing in Qt specially QML!
Component.onCompleted: doSomething()Component.onDestruction: doSomethingElse()
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I know about them, but they only when the component creation completed and destructed,
what I need, is to catch the event when the app goes on background in android phone !
mainly because I use Audio element in QML and when the app goes in background the music still playing for at least 30 sec before it stops. I want to catch this event to stop the music
OK. There are some hints about a solution here: "link":http://grokbase.com/t/gg/android-qt/142fzvabb4/detect-when-application-hidden-stopped-paused. And, possibly, "here":http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14147304/how-to-detect-that-my-application-lost-focus-in-qt.
Thank you I appreciate your help, I found solution from inside QML without the need to write any more code, its using Qt.application.state which I can determine the application state.
Great, that is much better than what I have found :-)