[SOLVED]Qt source: zoom android application
I'm with the qt 5.4 source code and would like to change the resolution of application design as a whole. That is, apply a zoom into any application.
Already shifted in QtNative.java, QScreen.cpp, qandroidplatformscreen.cpp ... but could not get a satisfactory result.
Is there anywhere to change it?
I will be very grateful for the help.
Sorry my English :-)
I don't understand the question very well..
but are you using QWidget or QML.
if QML you can use scale which will do the zoom for you.
It would be the same idea of the smartphone browsers: You can increase or decrease the "zoom" of the web page.
I would like to do this with a QtWidget application. -
Conversation by email with BogDan, the solution emerged editing qt source:QtNative.java
@public void surfaceCreated (SurfaceHolder holder)
holder.setFixedSize ((int) (getWidth () 0.5 *),(int) (getHeight () * 0.5));
@static public void sendTouchEvent (MotionEvent event, int id)
(int) (event.getX (i) * 0.5)
(int) (event.getY (i) * 0.5)
...@It is necessary to recompile qt.