[SOLVED]QWebView with URL googlemaps don't work
I am work with QT version 4.7.3 in the app in the company , inside in there are a tab for view googlemaps, until last days was working normally but now don't open the page.Here we use proxy for access extern
I try discovered if change API google maps with URL change || I do a simple app web in Qt same version for test but don't work URL[white page] || I do another browser in QT 5.4 and work it , but now we don't change all application for QT 5.4 , is extensive work .
There are some mode for work URL google maps in Qt 4.7 without change for 5.4 ? lastways until we have time for implement a change for 5.4 in the company
if somebody can help pls ?
exemple link format URL http://maps.google.com?ie=UTF8&q=-35.8642,-79.4972&spn=0.005706,0.011362&t=h&z=17&output=classic"/>
Hi and welcome to devnet,
I can't answer that question directly, however Qt 4.7 is pretty old. Since you don't want to update to Qt 5, you should at least consider the latest Qt 4 version which is currently 4.8.6
You're welcome !
Since you have your QWebView running, please update the thread title prepending [solved] so other forum users may know a solution has been found :)
I found another method for to work in Qt 4.7.3
I change url google maps refers:
http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&t=h&and it's work
don't problem with proxy -
Nice ! Thanks for sharing !
I try to use Qt4.7.1 and QWebView but it shows Blank page and doesnt load any webpage.
example link: http://www.google.com
But it works with 4.8.1, But i need to use 4.7.1 for my application.?
could you please provide me some result