I need help with Qt's version control feature
Hello everyone, I'm from Cuba and this is my first time using a version control software. What I need is a server for managing my project, this would be the first time I'm developing a project with someone else. I have read some docs like Qt's help about the subject and I saw some of the different types of SVC currently existing. Could someone tell me how do I mount and configure a server for this purpose? I'm using Win8 and our crew has 3 member in diferents places so I thought this would be the solution but like I said this is my first time doing this.
Not that I am against doing it on your own but since you're a small team, why not use GitHub, BitBucket, gitorious etc. ?
Although I found your reply useful I can't decide which one should I use, could you tell me, based on your expertise the one it fits in my situation. We don't have iternet in our working place, so what I need is a server to do the version controling
In that case, "gitlab":https://about.gitlab.com/ might be the solution for you
I will check it as soon as I deal with this problem http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/52315/