Using two QGLShaderProgram for objects in a same 3D scene [SOLVED]
i have this very weird behaviour happening here. I have two different QGLShaderProgram objects in my application, a 3D scene containing 2 objects is drawn in the paintGL method. I'm using program1 to draw object1, qnd program2 to draw object2 like this:
Then object1 is correctly drawn, but nothing is drawn for object2.
If I invert the programs but not the object drawing order like this:@
@then object1 is drawn with program 2, but object2 is still not drawn at all.
If I simply want to draw object2 only, using either program1 or program2, then object2 is perfectly drawn.
Anybody has an idea of what my problem could be?
And yes i tried to debug the code, but when pressing F11 on the bind line, then no source code shows up, I have recompiled Qt twice with -debug option, but nothing will do.Thank you for your help,
BillEdit: please use @ tags for code sections; Andre
Hello ZapB,
It actually does, so I think, because if I run this:
Then object 3, is drawn correctly! Driving me mad, for sure! :) -
in this case I will see object1, but not object3, :)
I wish I could, but my program is huge!
I could try to make a simpler one though, but at least you seem to agree that my way of thinking is correct by calling the bind method twice in the same paintGL call to use different programs for different objects in my scene, right?now I tried to recompiled Qt (Windows XP) to be able to get the bind source code to show up when I press F11, but now I can't even recompile my entire code. The link is failing with this message:
g++ -enable-stdcall-fixup -Wl,-enable-auto-import -Wl,-enable-runtime-pseudo-reloc -mthreads -Wl -Wl,-subsystem,windows -o debug\ws2.exe object_script.ws2.Debug -L"d:_Personal\Progz\Qt\Qt472\lib" -lglu32 -lopengl32 -lgdi32 -luser32 -lmingw32 -lqtmaind -lQtOpenGLd4 -lQtGuid4 -lQtCored4
mingw32-make[1]: Leaving directoryD:/_Work/QTProjectsDir/WS2-build-desktop' mingw32-make: Leaving directory
d:/_personal/progz/qt/qtcreator_21/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -lQtOpenGLd4
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
mingw32-make[1]: *** [debug\ws2.exe] Error 1
mingw32-make: *** [debug] Error 2
The process "D:_Personal\Progz\Qt\qtcreator_21\mingw\bin\mingw32-make.exe" exited with code 2.
Error while building project ws2 (target: Desktop)
When executing build step 'Make' -
The reason I asked for a small example is that often the action of producing such an example actually allows you to find the bug yourself whilst going through the process.
Just make a simple class that inherits QGLWidget, provide a coule of very simply drawObjectN() functions and some simple shaders. See if that reproduces the problem. If it does then we can help, if not then the problem is elsewhere in your code but at least we'll know we need to dig deeper and see more of your code.
Wrt to your linker error, does QtOpenGLd4.lib exist on your system where the linker is looking for it?
Yes I agree with your statement and the small openGL program.
Concerning my new link issue:
I actually just recompile Qt several times :
first by calling configure -debug -opengl desktop -> but then the compilation of my application failed because it tried to open a GLES2 directory,
so I restart by calling
configure -debug -es2, but I got the same issue,
i called make distclean which partially failed,
and then recalled
configure -debug, and since then I have this link error.
I know I suck ;) -
Thanks ZapB
Hey ZapB,
My first use-case was actually wrong, I spent a lot of time on this, and the use cases are as follow:
then object 1 is drawn using program 1, and object 2 and object 3 are drawn using program 2. which is fine!
But now I have this other use case causing the issue:paintGL()
then object 1 and object 3 are drawn using program1, whereas object 2 is not drawn at all.It looks like the fact to return to another program (program1) before the end of paintGL function would sort of invalidate the drawing made by program2. Maybe I should add some method to force the rendering in program2, before swapping back to program1?
I tried to add some glFinish, and/or glEnd before swapping programs, but none of them helped in anyway to get my object 2 drawn.... Yes, I am Desperate!
Yes i have a very simple source code to send for you this afternoon.
Bill -
Hello ZapB how do I send yo my source code? it's a zip file. is it possible to send it to you by mail or something?
In the meantime you can download it from here: the draw function, you will see there are four different UseCases, you can use the "define" preprocessor directive to activate each one, and see the problems occuring,
Thank you,
Bill -
Hello ZapB, did you have time to test my source code?
Thank you,
Bill -
I managed to get it built yesterday but when I ran it I got some error complaining about one of your shaders not defining some variable as a varying. I can't recall which it was at the moment. I am really busy today so I'll try to take a proper look tomorrow.