Using two QGLShaderProgram for objects in a same 3D scene [SOLVED]
Thanks ZapB
Hey ZapB,
My first use-case was actually wrong, I spent a lot of time on this, and the use cases are as follow:
then object 1 is drawn using program 1, and object 2 and object 3 are drawn using program 2. which is fine!
But now I have this other use case causing the issue:paintGL()
then object 1 and object 3 are drawn using program1, whereas object 2 is not drawn at all.It looks like the fact to return to another program (program1) before the end of paintGL function would sort of invalidate the drawing made by program2. Maybe I should add some method to force the rendering in program2, before swapping back to program1?
I tried to add some glFinish, and/or glEnd before swapping programs, but none of them helped in anyway to get my object 2 drawn.... Yes, I am Desperate!
Yes i have a very simple source code to send for you this afternoon.
Bill -
Hello ZapB how do I send yo my source code? it's a zip file. is it possible to send it to you by mail or something?
In the meantime you can download it from here: the draw function, you will see there are four different UseCases, you can use the "define" preprocessor directive to activate each one, and see the problems occuring,
Thank you,
Bill -
Hello ZapB, did you have time to test my source code?
Thank you,
Bill -
I managed to get it built yesterday but when I ran it I got some error complaining about one of your shaders not defining some variable as a varying. I can't recall which it was at the moment. I am really busy today so I'll try to take a proper look tomorrow.
In the myWidget.cpp file, you can choose three different options declared as defines.
#define PC_BILL , #define PC_WORK, #define TARGET_IMX
maybe you can switch between the two firsts (either PC_BILL, or PC_WORK), and see if your vertex compiles alright then.
I have this workshop forecast on monday, it could be nice if I can solve the issue before if you are able to help me ;)Thank you,
Bill -
Hello, anybody?
Hey, I got your program compiled using BILL definition. The output of the program:
myWidget::myWidget parent WinID = 0x80650
BILL : InitializeGL
Vertex Shader compiled OK ""
Fragment Shader compiled OK ""
Program 3 linked OK ""
Vertex Shader compiled OK ""
Fragment Shader compiled OK ""
Program 6 linked OK ""
BILL : ResizeGL
BILL : myWidget instance : myWidget(0x9ba6f18)
model draw
Error 1282 myWidget.cpp 436
model draw
model draw
model draw
BILL : myWidget ~myWidget
BILL : myWidget instance : myWidget(0x9ba6f18)As visual, I saw three identical green triangles.
I dunno if this helps any, I need to dive into shader programs and source code to deeply analyze what the shaders are supposed to do, and are they doing what they are suppose to :)
edit: forgot to say that this output was from USE_CASE1. Running now the rest of them.
edit2: Ran the rest of the use cases and got indeed some missing triangles, now digging into the code :)
Found the problem:
When you set uniform values like this:
g_hProjMatrixLoc = qGLShaderProgramTextures->uniformLocation("g_matProj");
qGLShaderProgramTextures->setUniformValue(g_hProjMatrixLoc, matProj3);
you have to have your shaderprogram binded to current context with
before modifying uniforms.Also a tip:
the two clauses above can be replaced with one:
qGLShaderProgramTextures->setUniformValue("g_matProj", matProj3);
where it uses uniform name directly.Of course if you want to save your uniform location for later use, then the tip is useless :)
edited to format code blocks.
matrixx: Well spotted and it applies to the other matrices too.
The fix is to change your paintGL() function to this:
void myWidget::paintGL()
/prepare projection matrix, only once!/
static bool loop = 1;
static GLfloat matProj3[4][4];
if (loop == 1)
memset (matProj3, 0, 16*sizeof(GLfloat));
matProj3[0][0] = 2;
matProj3[1][1] = matProj3[0][0] * g_fAspectRatio;
matProj3[2][2] = -1.0f;
matProj3[2][3] = -1.0f;
matProj3[3][2] = -1.0f;
loop = 0;
}// Clear the colorbuffer and depth-buffer QColor bgColor(10,15,255,255); qglClearColor( bgColor ); DEBUGBILL glClear( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT ); DEBUGBILL qGLShaderProgramTextures->bind(); g_hProjMatrixLoc = qGLShaderProgramTextures->uniformLocation("g_matProj"); qGLShaderProgramTextures->setUniformValue(g_hProjMatrixLoc, matProj3); qGLShaderProgramScreen->bind(); g_hProjMatrixLoc = qGLShaderProgramScreen->uniformLocation("g_matProj"); qGLShaderProgramScreen->setUniformValue(g_hProjMatrixLoc, matProj3); QMatrix4x4 tempRot(+cosf( fAngle ),0,-sinf( fAngle ),0, 0,1,0,0, +sinf( fAngle ) ,0,+cosf( fAngle ),0, 0,0,0,1.0); GLuint g_hSamplerLoc = 0; qGLShaderProgramTextures->bind(); g_hSamplerLoc = qGLShaderProgramTextures->uniformLocation("g_matModelView"); qGLShaderProgramTextures->setUniformValue(g_hSamplerLoc, tempRot); qGLShaderProgramScreen->bind(); g_hSamplerLoc = qGLShaderProgramScreen->uniformLocation("g_matModelView"); qGLShaderProgramScreen->setUniformValue(g_hSamplerLoc, tempRot); drawTest();
@The reason it worked for the different shaders depending which one was drawn first is beause your were not properly restoring which shader was bound each time around the rendering loop. Now they are explicitly set.
As an aside this type of thing is much easier to spot if you use a consistent coding style. I can spot at least two different coding styles in this file.
matrixx and ZapB YOU ARE GENIOUS! Thank you so much for this, I really didn't know this, but of course the more I progress in openGL the more this error is made obvious.
we can lock this thread now of course!
Thread closing is not neccessary (because there can be other people who will have similar problem later). But marking as [solved] will be good, don't forget to do it.