Strange crash when exiting
This happens on Suse linux 13.2, and maybe it is a Suse reated problem.
From time to time (maybe depending on the moon) my application crashes when exiting. The only thing I see in the debugger is:
@(gdb) where
#0 0x00007fffee066359 in ()
#1 0x0000000000000000 in ()
Which is not helpful. When looking at the memory mapping of the process, I see
7fffeb909000-7fffeb90a000 rw-p 00009000 09:02 19571475 /usr/lib64/
7fffee2eb000-7fffef773000 r--s 00000000 09:02 9784329 /usr/share/icu/53.1/icudt53l.dat
so the crash happens somewhere between in the nowhere land :-(The crash is not easy to reproduce, once it happens and then for a day or so, I cannot reproduce and in the next morning it is happy here again, but just once.
I already start my program this way, but that does not change anything.
@gdb --eval-command=run --args ./myProgramm
@Any idea?
Shot in the dark but does it happen while your computer is idle ? When you wake it up ? Screen locked ?
The box is running 24/7 (used for distributed computing with boinc), no sleep mode or similar.
It often happens when I start the program the first time on a day, before that I drink my coffee, read online news, mails and such, so the machine is already busy for a while.
Also no screen lock (actually I just blank out the screen, I do not lock) while the program is running.