Problem build QML project on WP8 emulator
I have tried to build QML project on WP8 emulator. I got error when running qmake to convert Visual Studio project.
qmake -tp vb "CONFIG+=windeployqt"
'uuidgen' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.I run this on Windows 8.1 environment and I have installed:
Qt 5.4 WinRT
Visual Studio 2013 Pro Update4What could be wrong?
Here is screenshot: !!
Hi Niko,
are you using the "normal" cmd.exe or the VS2013 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt? If you take the VS Command Prompt, you should not see this error....
Hint: To find the VS Command Prompt, search for "Visual Studio Tools" in the Windows search, this will suggests you a folder with the different command prompts shortcuts... -
Now qmake works without errors. However emulators are not visible in visual studio project. WP emulators are visible when build a new project on Visual Studio but not when project is converted from Qt. This seems to be very complicate case. Could someone give step by step instructions? I would appreciate it very much.
You are very close....but one small explanation:
WP emulators are runnning on x86 platform, the WP devices on ARM platform.
So you have 2 different versions Qt for Windows Phone (look at the Maintainance Tools of the Online Installer):"Windows Phone x86" (Emulators) and "Windows Phone arm" (Device).
So, if you generate the Visual Studio project with the WP arm qmake, you will just see the "Device" option and vice versa. Just install the Qt for "Windows Phone x86" from the installer and generate the VS project again!
Thanks, Now I have another problem. I get qml error:
qrc:///main.qml:5 plugin cannot be loaded for module "QtQuick.Layouts": Cannot load library C:/Data/SharedData/PhoneTools/AppxLayouts/0b75cad9-8a7f-4d46-bb76-baddd3752bd7VS.Release_Win32.Niko/QtQuick/Layouts/qquicklayoutsplugin.dll: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.