Qt for WinCe 6.0
Hello everybody!
I have very problem setting Qt 5.4 for Windows CE 6.0
I Have already Visual Studio 2008 (but I never use it for programming WinCe)...I search in google (i read also the faq on your site) but I don't know if it help.I downloaded last version of Qt community version, but how can use it form programming WinCe 6.0 for MIPSII cpu??
In Compilers appear standardsdk_500 (MIPSII) I downloaded reading in this site.
Can you help a noob?
Thank you!
Hi forna91
first officially WinCe 6.0 is not supported even there is a mkspec available.
I know from Lars that it seems to be a big pain in the a** to keep suport for this old OS.http://doc.qt.digia.com/supported-platforms.html
For Qt5.4 and WEC7 under Win7 with VS2008 platform builder I have used the following command:
configure.exe -platform win32-msvc2008 -xplatform wince70embedded-armv4i-msvc2008 -developer-build -qt-style-fusion -opensource -nomake examples -nomake tests -rtti -qt-crt -opengl es2 -no-accessibility -confirm-licenseIt is really imported that the Mips SDK is correctly installed. The wince6 mkspec file must have the correct entry.
http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/windowsce-customization.htmlI hope with this info you can build WinCe6.
Cheers J