[iOS] QFile from qrc file
Hi everyone,
Here is the problem I'm facing:
In one library I have a resources.qrc that holds one svg file.
I have an app that statically link against that previous library.
From that app I make a call to the library that opens the svg file using QFile file( ":/images/logo.svg" ).
"images/logo.svg" is the alias of the file.On OS X this works perfectly but on iOS it can not open the file ( file does not exists ).
What am I doing wrong there ?
I don't have any experience with iOS development bu I would like to make a sugestion about your problem.
Qt's rcc (resource compiler) tool is run by qmake when you build an application or library which has an associated qrc file so that the resources are compiled in the app/library.
You can compare the console outputs when you build for the desktop and for iOS and make sure that rcc is run in both cases. If it is not run for iOS, you should file a bug report on the bug tracker.
if you compile your projects in Qt Creator, you can look at the Compile Output window.
I think this is known "bug":https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-39835.