How to iterate all sub-folders of a directory?
Hi, I am showing file same in tree view using QDirModel. The user can select a given folder and my application need to traverse all its subfolders (only one level). I haven't been able to figure out how but here is where I am stuck.
@// I can get the index of the current selected folder
QModelIndex index = ui->treeView->currentIndex();@Now else where I see I could use something like this:
@ QDirIterator it("/etc", QDirIterator::Subdirectories);
while (it.hasNext()) {
qDebug() <<;// /etc/. // /etc/.. // /etc/X11 // /etc/X11/fs // ...
The problem is how to get the currently selected for as QDir object from tree and list view and feed it to the 2nd block of code?
Initially I used QFileSystemModel which I know is recommended now instead of QDir but it proved more complicated. I would prefer solution with QFileSystemModel but QDirModel is also acceptable.
Do you mean "QFileSystemModel::filePath": ?
You can get the directory from the special roles the QFileSystemModel supplies for you:
enum Roles { FileIconRole, FilePathRole, FileNameRole, FilePermissions }
@Sound to me like the FilePathRole provides a complete path. Using QFileInfo, you can easily figure out if the current item is a file or a dir, and what the path to use is.
Sorry guys, I was not thinking right. I figured it all out. Here is what I and I did use QFileSystemModel.
@void MainWindow::on_actionExport_files_triggered()
QModelIndex index = ui->treeView->currentIndex();QString rootDir = dirModel->filePath( selectedIndex ); QDirIterator iter( rootDir, QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); while(iter.hasNext() ) { qDebug() <<; }