QAxObject and sql
Hi. I want to query an sql server using QAxObject.
Using this line of code
@QAXOConn->dynamicCall("Open("Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=Inaz;Data Source=SERVER02")");@
I can connect to a Sql Server using Ado.
Now How can I run a query as
select * from table01
? -
I can't answer that one but I was just wondering, why not use Qt's SQL module ?
I need to use ADO because I will have to manage a unknown type of database, maybe will be MySql, DBII, Sql Server..
The program will be installed in a lot of customers, each one with a different database. By ADO you can connect without use ODBC at a lot types of databases. -
Only a bit to the solution!
With these lines of code@ QAXOConn->dynamicCall("Open("Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=Inaz;Data Source=SERVER02")");
QAxObject *QAXORecordSet= QAXOConn->querySubObject("Execute("select column01 from table01")");
while(!QAXORecordSet->property("EOF").toBool()) {
}@I can execute a query and hop to the the next record but the question is:
How can I get the column value?