[solved] Having trouble linking QML button to C++ class
First time using Ubuntu SDK and QML. I've spent the entire day attempting to figure this out but every solution that i came accross is seems to be for an older version. I'm trying to figure out how i can link my buttons in QML to functions in C++.
Tried posting my code in this thread but apparently that's "SPAM". I've uploaded it to pastebin.
http://pastebin.com/WgJ3y88YqmlRegisterType doesn't work for me:
@main.cpp:17: error: 'qmlRegisterType' was not declared in this scope qmlRegisterType("com.example.launcher", 1, 0, "Launcher"); ^ @
Also, I'm using latest version of QT5. And when i include <QtQml> The new error is
@main.cpp:18: error: no matching function for call to 'qmlRegisterType(const char [21], int, int, const char [9])' qmlRegisterType("com.example.launcher", 1, 0, "Launcher"); ^ @
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated! Thanks :)
Hi and welcome to devnet,
qmlRegisterType is a template function. You need something like
@qmlRegisterType<Launcher>("com.example.launcher", 1, 0, "Launcher")@
Where the the name between <> is the name of your C++ class
Thank you for your quick reply and welcome! :) I have replaced with
@qmlRegisterType<TerminalLauncher>("com.example.launcher", 1, 0, "Launcher");@Now the application starts (progress!) but when i click the button, there is an error in the application output:
qrc:///main.qml:120: ReferenceError: terminal_launcher is not defined
@terminal_launcher is the name of my class.
[quote author="SGaist" date="1421014029"]Hi and welcome to devnet,
qmlRegisterType is a template function. You need something like
@qmlRegisterType<Launcher>("com.example.launcher", 1, 0, "Launcher")@
Where the the name between <> is the name of your C++ class[/quote]
Isn't the name of your class TerminalLauncher ?
Yes, it's TerminalLauncher. In main.qml i have:
@ Button {
x: 25
y: 8
width: 150
height: 35
text: "test"
// onClicked: terminal_launcher.open_terminal();
onClicked: TerminalLauncher.open_terminal();
@but it gives me
@qrc:///main.qml:121: ReferenceError: TerminalLauncher is not defined@
[quote author="SGaist" date="1421015125"]Isn't the name of your class TerminalLauncher ?[/quote]
AFACS TerminalLauncher is not an instance
Good !
Since you have it working now, please update the thread title prepending [solved] so other forum users may know a solution has been found :)