Deploying Qt5 for cross compiling under Linux for Windows
How deploy Qt5 for cross compiling under Linux for Windows?
I tried to do so:
./configure -xplatform win32-g++ -prefix /opt/qt5win32 -device-option CROSS_COMPILE=i686-w64-mingw32- -nomake examples -nomake tools -continue -qt-sql-sqlite
@but as a result of this error pops up here:
fatal error: windows.h: No such file or directory
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bq. ArchLinux
You must to install mingw-w64-headers package, who contains win32 includes.
And if you use x86_64 arch, you can use additional repo for install precompiled mingw build of Qt.
SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
Server =$arch
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mingw-w64-headers installed
I installed mingw-w64-qt5-base-opengl from$arch
What I must write after CROSS_COMPILE that compiling start?
I added path to "include" in qmake.conf.
Now appear new mistakes:
228: 50: error: no declaration «NotDouble_Mask» in this scope
inline bool isDouble () const {return (tag & NotDouble_Mask)! = NotDouble_Mask; }
../../include/QtQml/5.4.0/QtQml/private/../../../../../src/qml/jsruntime/qv4value_p.h: In member function «bool QV4 :: Value :: isNumber () const »:
../../include/QtQml/5.4.0/QtQml/private/../../../../../src/qml/jsruntime/qv4value_p.h:229:74: error: no Declaration «NotDouble_Mask» in this scope
inline bool isNumber () const {return tag == _Integer_Type || (tag & NotDouble_Mask)! = NotDouble_Mask; }...
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What's the error message ?