How to use Person class in model in Qt MVC
I have such task. I want to display information(including image) about person on button.
I have QAbstractTable model to set these buttons with that information. I created my own person class
and give the constructor parameters(name, lastName, date of birth, and path to image);
I created getter and setter methods to handle this data. so now I want to use this class in my model.
In the model class I have a QList<Person*>. So the problem is that model methods work with QVariant data type and I cannot get the Person object in the Delegate class. How can I fix it?Thank you!
You have to use "Q_DECLARE_METATYPE": to register your custom type then you can use it through QVariant.
By the way, are you sure that you need a QList<Person *> and not just a QList<Person> ?
I have implemented the same with something like the following. I have implemented PersonModel class with following information.
@class PersonModel : public QAbstractTableModel
QList<Person> mydata;@Using QModelIndex with appropriate row/column and role information you should be able to fetch the data.