Attempting to Install Qt Static 5.3.2 when I get the following error
So I wanted to build Qt Static so my application can run w/o the Qt. debugger following the instructions from link below.
The script I used is called Windows-build-qt-static.ps1.
I executed the script in Windows Powershell as instructed and change the configure line parameters to build with 5.3.2 as oppose to 5.2.
15 minutes into the build I got the following error.
mingw32-make[1]: Target 'install' not remade because of errors.
mingw32-make[1]: Leaving directory 'C:/Qt/Static/src/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.3.2/qtbase'
Makefile:75: recipe for target 'module-qtbase-install_subtargets' failed
mingw32-make: *** [module-qtbase-install_subtargets] Error 2
mingw32-make: Target 'install' not remade because of errors.I don't fully understand what goes on into the building of a developer's environment so any advice on solving this issue would be appreciated.
EDIT: So I have dived into the script to see if I can figure out what's wrong.
Here is the configure line as requested.
cmd /c "configure.bat -static -debug-and-release -platform win32-g++ -prefix $QtDir-qt-zlib -qt-pcre -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -qt-freetype -opengl desktop -qt-sql-sqlite -no-openssl
-opensource -confirm-license `
-make libs -nomake tools -nomake examples -nomake tests"
mingw32-make -k -j4
mingw32-make -k install
Pop-Location -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
You should add the configure line you used to build Qt
I was building a Static Qt using the above instructions.
The script I used is called Windows-build-qt-static.ps1.
I am not sure what you mean by configure line But I executed the script in Windows Powershell as instructed and change the configure line parameters to build with 5.3.2 as oppose to 5.2.
I attempted to build a Qt Static because I simply want to run my application on it's own w/o Qt's debugger.
You can try contacting the "author": of the article to see if he encountered that problem