How to create a button to underline selectedText in QTextEdit
Hello I have a QTextEdit in my Programm which I want to format by Buttons.
My first button shall underline the selectedText. I tried several ways but I always got 2 main problems.- The selectedText gets underlined, but all chars I writer after will be still underlined.
- It underlines with pressbutton and deunderlines with releasebutton
My goal is to underline selectedText by pressingbutton
and setfontunderline=false afterwards by releasing the button, without de-underline the selected text.
cursor.clearselection() doesn't work.
Do I need to find another way to do this or do I just need another way of clearselection?in the constructor:
@ QTextCursor cursor = ui.textfeld->textCursor();
@@bool Hauptfenster::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
if (obj == ui.bunterline && event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress)
if (obj == ui.bunterline && event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease)
}return QObject::eventFilter(obj, event);
}@ -
You should find what you need in this "example":
I tried to run it in in visual studio but did not find out where to place th files?
Do you mean you tried to open the project in visual studio ?
yes. Sorry Im learning QT and c++ at the same time
I changed my code with snippets from the example, but it doesnt work correctly. it's buggy.
line in constructor
@ cursor = ui.textfeld->textCursor();@1.Method de-underline
2.Method underline
3.Method help Method from example
void Hauptfenster:: b_no_more_underline()
QTextCharFormat fmt;
void Hauptfenster:: b_underline_pressed()
QTextCharFormat fmt;
@void Hauptfenster::mergeFormatOnWordOrSelection(const QTextCharFormat &format)
QTextCursor cursor = ui.textfeld->textCursor();
if (!cursor.hasSelection());
@The problem is that it is buggy as hell
For example: I write something, double click on it with mouse for selection and click underline button after that. It gets underlined, but the other chars I write after that steps get underlined too..
So this function is not good for only underline MouseselectedChars
Other example:
I Write something and Click underlineButton without marking chars with mouse. Then the written gets marked
and what I write afterwards gets marked too.So this function also isnt a function who operators from the time of clicking Underline till clicking de_Underline. Because it also underlines the chars which where written before.
It looks like can write something in one line, and afterwards formatting the hole line underlined or de-underlined. BUT
If you write in a line 20 chars and underline then afterswards, Select char 3-7 and press de-underline, these chars are suddenly de-underlined.Im so confused I dont know what I shall do. I dont get in any rule which operates every time. Pls help :D Im sitting here isnce about 6 hours with this function.
Since you are beginning everything, you should rather user Qt Creator, it will be more simple to get started and it'll be easier to handle Qt projects.
I solved my Problem with a function which starts every time the cursor posittion changes :
I know many people did not understand what my problem is, maybe it gets clear with my solution.
@void Hauptfenster::cursorchanged()
{QTextCursor cursor = ui.textfeld->textCursor();
QTextCharFormat format;
if (test1==true)
QColor col = Qt::white;
if(col.isValid()) {
QString qss = QString("background-color: %1").arg(;
if (test1==false)
QColor col = Qt::red;
if(col.isValid()) {
QString qss = QString("background-color: %1").arg(;
if (testfett==true)
QColor col = Qt::white;
if(col.isValid()) {
QString qss = QString("background-color: %1").arg(;
if (testfett==false)
QColor col = Qt::red;
if(col.isValid()) {
QString qss = QString("background-color: %1").arg(;