[Solved] How to link QZXing?
Hello, i need QR code encoder/decoder which i can use at the Android/iOS. Will be supper if it will be possible to use at the QML
I try to findout some solution to use QZXing lib, but almost all links lead to the Nokia site, and currently Microsoft don't support them any more :(is some one can explain how correct use this lib?
as i understand, i should make static plugin from QZXing lib and static link this plugin to my app, is it correct?PS: or maybe someone know some other libs for encode/decode QR code?
IIRC, you only need to include the QZXing.pri in your own project to build it.
[quote author="SGaist" date="1419282095"]Hi,
IIRC, you only need to include the QZXing.pri in your own project to build it.[/quote]
Tnx 4 answer!
I hope for it, but i didn't find any pri file, maybe i take some not correct lib.
i take lib from here: https://github.com/dplanella/qzxing -
My bad, I was referring to another library with the same name. IIRC for that one you should only need to build and install it to make it available to your application.
easy to say, install :)) i need deploy to android and iOS :)) if hunestly i can't imagen how to do it with shared lib.
[quote author="SGaist" date="1419283003"]I was referring to another library with the same name[/quote]
could you provide link to this lib if it's possible?
The install process should copy what's need in your Qt installation not your target
"Other one":http://sourceforge.net/p/qzxing
Looks like this port for old (Qt4) version of Qt. :(
What about instalation? Do you know some howto/wiki/manual where i can read details? -
Tnx a lot SGaist, your's link to the prev. version of the lib is more then good for me. I can't do QML component, but i make C++ function which i use for determinate QR code, unfortunately for me this is a long process (UI is freezing), will be think, how to invoke method in another thread if it possible...
Tnx a lot again! -
Did you call "make install" after your built the library ? (the first you tried) It should copy what's needed to the right place in your Qt installation.
You can use the worker object paradigm described in QThread's "documentation":http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qthread.html
SGaist: no i don't call make install, AFAIK this will install lib to the local target, but i need use this lib at the android device, so i can't imagen how it will help for me.
About second qestion: i'd like to try QtConcurrent::run if it will be possible to use in this case.
And that's exactly what must be done. Adding the library to the local copy will make it available to build your application. I becomes then a dependency that must be copied to your target.
Possible it should be yes.
About multithreading:
i make class handler based on QRunnable, and invoke it over QThreadPull, it is work for me.Is some one try to generate QRCode using QZXing? i can't find any render or somthen like it classes...
AFAIK, it's a decoding library