[SOLVED] - MYSQL driver Found but not Loaded in Windows XP / 2003
I'm having problems when I want to open an MYSQL database.
Here's my setup :- environment variable QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS set to 1
- O.S. Windows XP / Windows 2003
- Qt version 5.3
- Mysql C connector version 6.1.5
Source code executed to open DB :
db.setHostName( hostName );
db.setDatabaseName( databaseName );
db.setUserName( databaseUser );
db.setPassword( databasePassword );res = db.open();
and I got this output :
QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Connector.C 6.1/lib/sqldrivers/qsqlmysqld.dll"
Found metadata in lib C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Connector.C 6.1/lib/sqldrivers/qsqlmysqld.dll, metadata=
"IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QSqlDriverFactoryInterface",
"MetaData": {
"Keys": [
"className": "QMYSQLDriverPlugin",
"debug": true,
"version": 328450
}Got keys from plugin meta data ("QMYSQL3", "QMYSQL")
loaded library "C:/Qt/Qt5.3.2/5.3/mingw482_32/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlmysqld.dll"
QLibraryPrivate::loadPlugin failed on "C:/Qt/Qt5.3.2/5.3/mingw482_32/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlmysqld.dll" : "Cannot load library C:/Qt/Qt5.3.2/5.3/mingw482_32/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlmysqld.dll: The specified procedure could not be found."
QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL driver not loaded
@I've copied the file libmysql.dll to QtXXX/bin/ ... and all other paths indicated by qApp->librartPaths.
But still the same error.
Strange thing is that this same setup works fine on Windows 7.
Ideas ? Suggestions ?
[Edited: Added Code tags "@@" - p3c0]
Are you sure that the MySQL dll's can be found by the application e.g. is the folder containing them in the PATH environment variable ?
Then, did you check the PATH environment variable in Qt Creator in the Run panel ?
I have the same problem on Qt 5.4,I use Qt in Windows 7 and Mint17.I have tried " Release build",but error still exist.
And when I get the debug infomation,I find that it says:
libqsqlmysql.so: (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmysqlclient_r.so.16: version `libmysqlclient_16' not found (required by /opt/Qt5.4.0/5.4/gcc_64/plugins/sqldrivers/libqsqlmysql.so))"
but I just have libmysqlclient_r.so.18... ...
though I make symbolic links,It still doesn't work -
You need to either install the .16 version or rebuild the plugin against your .18 version
Hi, googled a bit on why your MySQL Connector/C version 6.1.5 does not load and found some bad news: it seems starting with MySQL version 5.6 using it on Win XP or Win2K3 "is no longer supported":http://dev.mysql.com/doc/relnotes/connector-c/en/news-6-1-2.html (not a happy new year :-(