QT - go, no go? General questions?
Hi all,
I'm embarking on a large project that must be written in c++ as per the specs. Initially it will be a desktop based app but at some point they may wish a mobile (pad) UI to control the system with in a similar fashion to the desktop.
Due to embedded CPU being used I'm limited for the first version at least to 32 bit.
I've downloaded an eval of QT and maybe I'm just new but I can't figure out how to setup/configure for a 32 bit build. I have VS2013 installed but when I try to select the 32 bit build, and build I get an error with gl and that the lib can't be found.
I'm trying to find a reason to convince my client to spend the money on professional QT but I need to be able to assure them and myself that QT is the right path to go for the money.
Is the current version of QT based on C11?
What do I need to configure 32 bit based build with what I have installed?
If I can manage to build a 32 bit test prog and install it on the instrument I think I might have a chance to get them to go this way.
Anyway I realize this is vague and some of the questions are perhaps not easy to answer. I just need to figure out if QT is going to be my best choice and right now using the Eval I can't build what I need.
Thanks in advance!
Hi and welcome to devnet,
In order to build a 32bit application you first need to install a 32bit version of Qt. If you can't do it, you probably installed only a 64bit version. You can easily change that through the online installer.
IIRC, Qt's been using C++11 since the 4.8 series so you're safe on that side. You just need to add
@CONFIG += c++11@
To your pro file to use it.
On a side note, it's Qt, QT stands for Apple QuickTime which you could also be using.
Thanks for your reply!
I simply downloaded the eval for windows (also Mac). I'll check for another installer under Windows (target environment) to see if I can find a 32 bit version.
Sorry about QT... I've been doing lots of that kind of stuff recently.
Thanks for info about C++11. Once again I dropped the ++ :-)
Ok now I'm puzzled. When I log into my eval account and go to downloads there is only one "enterprise" installer for windows. That is the one I previously downloaded.
How do I download/install for 32 bit? My Windows is 64 bit so perhaps that is causing the confusion?
Which features do you need to use? If you don't need the enterprise features, you could get the community version. Click the leftmost "Download" link at http://www.qt.io/download/
I don't know much about the Enterprise packages, but the Community edition downloads come in multiple flavours, including 32-bit Windows installers.
[quote author="JKSH" date="1419087818"]Hi,
Which features do you need to use? If you don't need the enterprise features, you could get the community version. Click the leftmost "Download" link at http://www.qt.io/download/
I don't know much about the Enterprise packages, but the Community edition downloads come in multiple flavours, including 32-bit Windows installers.[/quote]
After looking I do think community will work at least initially then as we get closer I can convince them perhaps into professional or maybe even enterprise.
Thanks for the input!