[SOLVED]Can`t link FMOD in Windows.
Hello. I am using FMOD in my project. It`s working on linux, but when I try to compile Win32 it gives me that:
:-1: error: error: /FMOD/Win32/libs/ -lfmodex: No such file or directory
Here is my pro. file:
#-------------------------------------------------#Project created by QtCreator 2014-11-04T22:15:51#
QT += core gui multimedia
linux {
message("*using settings for linux")
#FMOD linux
INCLUDEPATH += /home/ilian/fmodstudioapi10509linux/api/lowlevel/inc/
LIBS += -L/home/ilian/fmodstudioapi10509linux/api/lowlevel/lib/x86/ -lfmod
}win32 {
message("*using settings for windows")
#FMOD windows
LIBS += "$$_PRO_FILE_PWD/FMOD/Win32/libs/ -lfmodex"
}greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
TARGET = MathForFun
RESOURCES += application.qrcSOURCES +=
FModePlayer.cppHEADERS +=
FModePlayer.hFORMS +=
IMPORTANT. I am using qtcreator MingGW build under Fedora with Wine. So if there is a workaround please help.
[EDIT] Ive read about linking the libfmod.a if using mingw but I don
t understand how to do it in the pro file or do I have to use the pragma?
[SOLVED] I was able to solve that problem now each time I click the circles the sound is played:
https://www.flickr.com/photos/heatblazer/15877532839/ -
I have to bump this with the similar android question:
How to link it for android? I am using Qt creator for Fedora ( native not emulated ) and my FMOD dir is in tht QT project I wish to deploy to on my android device. -
LIBS += "$$_PRO_FILE_PWD/FMOD/Win32/libs/ -lfmodex"
@You're linking to fmod on linux but to fmodex on windows. This should be -lfmod for windows too.
I don't know about android.
OK. Here is what I
ve changed: @ win32 { message("*using settings for windows") #FMOD INCLUDEPATH += /home/ilian/QT5/MathForFun/FMOD/Win32/api/lowlevel/inc/ LIBS += -L/home/ilian/QT5/MathForFun/FMOD/Win32/api/lowlevel/lib/ -lfmod } @ Now I get completely missing all of the functions I called with FMOD: @ Z:\home\ilian\QT5\MathForFun\FModePlayer.cpp:-1: error: undefined reference to
FMOD::System::createSound(char const*, unsigned int, FMOD_CREATESOUNDEXINFO*, FMOD::Sound**)@20'
@So like I can`t get why is that :(
I know little about wine, but shouldn't you include the drive letter in the paths?
And have you re-run qmake after the changes? -
I`ve tried with
LIBS += Z:/home/ilian/QT5/MathForFun/FMOD/Win32/api/lowlevel/lib/
and got this
:-1: error: cannot find Z:/home/ilian/QT5/MathForFun/FMOD/Win32/api/lowlevel/lib/: Permission denied
Weird stuff... I should try building it on real Windows with VSC :( -
Sounds reasonable. Maybe try to chmod the permissions for that directory.
I did. Nothing happened. I
ve also tried to point to this folder: @ Z:/home/ilian/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/FMOD SoundSystem/FMOD Studio API Windows/api/lowlevel/lib/ @ Apparently where I
ve installed the fmod, but it tells me that
:-1: error: error: /home/ilian/.wine/drive_c/Program\Files/FMOD: No such file or directory
Really no idea.... -
You've got a space in the folder name "FMOD SoundSystem". Tools hate that.
So what should I do? Rename my dirs?
[quote author="Chris Kawa" date="1419069554"]You've got a space in the folder name "FMOD SoundSystem". Tools hate that.[/quote] -
Either that or copy the relevant files to some path without spaces e.g. your app directory or something.
Here: http://www.qtcentre.org/threads/2831-Qt-and-fmod is a guy who says it
s working. However I don
t have libfmodex.a to my download for Windows. I have libfmod.a and libfmodL.a. I changed to this:
INCLUDEPATH += Z:/home/ilian/.wine/drive_c/FMODSoundSystem/FMODStudioAPIWindows/api/lowlevel/inc/
LIBS += Z:/home/ilian/.wine/drive_c/FMODSoundSystem/FMODStudioAPIWindows/api/lowlevel/lib/libfmod.a
But I still get the undefined references to all fmod functions I`ve called. -
Thank you, mr.Chris Kawa. I was able to make it work in Wine + MinGW. Apparenlty I
ve read there were C++ ABI problems, so I
ve changed my function to the pure C API they support like that:
bool FMPlayer::systemInit(const char *fname, int len) {FMOD_CREATESOUNDEXINFO *info = new FMOD_CREATESOUNDEXINFO(); info->cbsize = sizeof(FMOD_CREATESOUNDEXINFO); info->length = len; FMOD_CHANNEL *channel; //FMOD::Channel* channel; //FMOD::System* system; //FMOD::Sound* sound; //FMOD::System_Create(&system); FMOD_SYSTEM *system; FMOD_SOUND *sound; FMOD_System_Create(&system); FMOD_System_Init(system, 32, FMOD_INIT_NORMAL, 0); //system->init(32, FMOD_INIT_NORMAL, 0); if ( FMOD_OK == ( FMOD_System_CreateSound(system, fname,FMOD_OPENMEMORY, info, &sound)) ) {
// if ( FMOD_OK == system->createSound(fname,
// FMOD_OPENMEMORY, info, &sound) ) {FMOD_Sound_SetMode(sound, FMOD_LOOP_OFF);
// sound->setMode(FMOD_LOOP_OFF);
// system->playSound(sound, false, 0, &channel);
FMOD_System_PlaySound(system, sound, false, 0, &channel);
return true;
} else {
return false;
Ive left the commented code to see what I
ve changed. Now it plays the desired sound... Whew. That was nasty. I got worried I wont be able to fix it. Thanks for the help. I
ll avoid and whitespaces from now on. Regards from a newbie coder like me :)