[SOLVED] Android Project From 5.3.2 to 5.4
i have a current project running on Android 4.2 and 4.4.2 developed with Qt 5.3.2. Now when i build it with Qt5.4 (host lubuntu 14.10 32 bit and OpenSuse 13.2 64 bit; android-ndk-r10c; android-21, android-20, android-19 ) with option "Bundle Qt libraries in Apk" at the start-up:
i have the same error of "this post ":http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/51010/ and in addition at startup some module, randomly, is not found (ex. module "QtGraphicalEffects" is not installed or module "QtMultimedia" is not installed, or module "QtControllers is not installed, ecc.).
qrc:/qml/myqml.qml:2 ((null)): qrc:/qml/myqml.qml:2:1: module "QtGraphicalEffects" is not installedObviously I have a white screen :(. I have unzipped the apk file and in the lib directory i found the Qt libraies.
Instead if i build with the option: "Deploy local Qt libraries to temporany directory" the app start correctly.
With this option i can't to sign the apk for the store!Any help is appreciated :)
Thanks -
With the Android NDK 10d i have the some situation.
With verbose option for androiddeployqt i have "this":http://pastebin.com/c096Zs9P -
Strange. qmlimportscanner did not detected QtGraphicsEffect.
I've made a simple QML file:
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0Window {
visible: true
MainForm {
anchors.fill: parent
mouseArea.onClicked: {
@You can check "here":http://pastebin.com/zfCYmP3Y the log generated here:
-- Adding '/tmp2/Qt/5.4/android_armv7/qml/QtGraphicalEffects' as QML dependency
In you log, there's no reference to QtGraphicalEffect.
With Qt5.4.x If i unzip the apk is see in the assets/--Added-by-androiddeployqt--/qml/
QtQuick.2 !!Instead compiling with 5.3.2 i have:
Enginio Qt QtBluetooth QtGraphicalEffects QtMultimedia QtNfc QtPositioning QtQml QtQuick QtQuick.2 QtSensors QtTestI don't uderstand this difference, same project, same manifest, change only Qt version