Drop uri from finder in 5.4 contains inode number instead of path
both drop.urls in qml and mimedata->urls() do return urls like this:
where the last number is the inode number and the first seems to be related to the device.
in 5.3 the behaviour was to return the path:
file:///Users/ttw/Desktop/test.mp4anyone having the same issue dropping a file/folder from the finder into a widget, qml application or the dropsite example?
Hi and welcome to devnet,
What version of OS X/XCode are you using ?
I'm using OS X 10.10.1 and Xcode 6.1.1. I don't notice any differences using qt5.3, so i was suspecting it's not related the OS-Version. Seems i was wrong. I did find this topic in the bugreports.
Is there a workaround for this using Qt classes? I am using PyQt so don't have access to obj functions.
You'd better update the Qt version you are using through PyQt
Has this been fixed? In which version of Qt? I read through the issue tracker and didn't see any resolution.
The report currently states fixed for Qt 5.4.1
ok great, thanks!
Actually I almost downloaded qt-5.4.1 but then looked in the release notes and saw nothing for this bug. So I looked at the issue tracker again and saw that it is listed as affects 5.4.1 and then the fix version is also 5.4.1. Not sure what that means. And I still don't see a resolution in the comments.
Am I blind or is this is still broken!
Or wait, it looks like 5.4.0 is the current release and 5.4.1 hasn't been released yet. It's probably reported as affecting 5.4.1 because it is still in progress.