No audio after Qt app is installed [SOLVED]
I've created a simple wav file streaming app. It is working fine within the development environment. Now I need to deploy it.
I am using BitRock to deploy the app.
BitRock seems to install the app on the test machine correctly. The app launches without complaints about missing DLLs, etc.
When I attempt to cause the app to play a particular wav file it successfully connects to the sever, downloads the wav and begins playing the wav; visually it appears to be working fine. The problem is that no sound comes from the speakers.
Note: I am attempting to deploy a debug build.
Troubleshooting attempted:
- I guessed the app needed some plug in. Adding the following had no effect:
Other details:
Qt 5.4
OS Win7/64bit
MSVC 2012As of now I
- I guessed the app needed some plug in. Adding the following had no effect:
Well, I consider those to be good, common-sense questions. I forgot to add what I did to verify that the target machine was capable of emitting sound.
What I did to validate that the target machine was cable of emitting sound:
I installed my player on two different machines. I encountered the same failure on both machines.
I ran Microsoft's media player on both target machines. This player emitted sound through the target computers' speakers immediately.
I conducted the following on only one of these machines
- I checked the volume mixer. All volume controls are set to max.
pklemm "reported": the following solve his problem:bq. I had plabq. ced the dsengine.dll and qtmedia_audioengine.dll in the folder:
<app dir>/plugins/mediaservice
it needs to be:
<app dir>/mediaserviceI tried this. Didn't help.
For now, I am going with <app dir>/mediaservice
Can you start your application from a console setting QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS to 1 ? That should give you more information about what happens with your plugins
Thanks for sharing your findings !
You also have "here": a nicely illustrated wiki entry about Window's deployment that shows the folder structure.