Problem installing Qt 5.0.2 msvc2012 64 on a Winx64
I'm new about Qt.
I started installing Qt on a Win7.
I've got 2 errors during installations:
Error during installation process (qt.502.win64_msvc2012_64.essentials): Execution failed(Unexpected exit code: - 1073741701): "C:\Qt\Qt5.0.2/Tools/QtCreator\bin\sdktool.exe addQt --id qt.5.0.2.win64_msvc2012_64.essentials--name Qt 5.0.2 MSVC2012 64bit --type Qt4ProjectManager.QtVersion.Desktop--qmake C:\Qt\Qt5.0.2//5.0.2/msvc2012_64/bin/qmake.exe"
and the second error:
Error during installation process (qt.502.win64_msvc2012_64.essentials): Execution failed(Unexpected exit code: - 1073741701): "C:\Qt\Qt5.0.2/Tools/QtCreator\bin\sdktool.exe addKit --id qt.5.0.2.win64_msvc2012_64.essentials_kit--name Desktop Qt 5.0.2 MSVC2012 64bit --toolchain x86-windows-msvc2012-pe-64bit--qt qt.502.win64_msvc2012_64 essentials--debuggerengine 4--devicetype Desktop".
Can somebody help me to understand and solve the problams? Thanks in advance.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
I haven't encountered that error but why are you installing such an old version since you are starting to use Qt ? 5.4 just got released. Also, do you have MSVC2012 installed ?
Qt's forward/backward compatible, so what you wrote with 5.0.2 will work will 5.4
I can't guaranty it but at least you'll be using a version that's current so less likely to fail