Integrate C++ and QML. Qt 5.4
I was reading the Qt documentation for the past couple of hours trying to figure out a way to make a UI created with Qt Quick UI (QML) communicate (interact) with C++ code (functions... etc.).
I've read the 5 or 6 similar questions on here to but I'm kind of confused, I have problems figuring out where to start or what to do first. I'd appreciate it a lot if someone could take the time and list the steps needed to make this work.
What i've done so far. I tried doing ...>add new Item> C++ class but I failed with an error saying:" failed to add one or more files to project"> It seems like the files (.. .cpp and .h) are created, they were in the folder where the other project files were but not included in the project. What I wanna do is just something simple like changing the text of the textedit through a C++ function or any other way possible.
//Test.qml (main.qml)
@import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Window 2.0Rectangle {
id: rootRect
width: Screen.width/2
height: Screen.height/2
color: "gray"Button{} Rectangle{ id: textField width: 120 height: 40 color: "white" x:274; y: 61 border.color: "blue" border.width: 4 radius: 2 } TextEdit { id: display x: 274 y: 61 width: 80 height: 20 text: qsTr("Text Edit") font.pixelSize: 22 color: "black" anchors.centerIn: textField } Rectangle{ id: inputField width: textField.width height: textField.height border.color: "green" border.width: 3 color: "white" x: 140; y: 61 } TextEdit{ id: input color: "red" font.pixelSize: 30 anchors.centerIn: inputField text: "Some Text" }
@import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0Item {
property string defaultText: "New Text" Rectangle{ id: button width: rootRect.width/6 height: rootRect.height/8 color: "black" x: 200; y: 200 radius: 10 } MouseArea{ id: buttonClickArea width: 0 anchors.rightMargin: 0 anchors.bottomMargin: 0 anchors.fill: button onClicked: { display.text = defaultText } }
Thank you for taking the time to read this and/or any replies.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Is your project based on the Qt Quick application template ?
I meant: is it a pure QML project or do you use e.g. a QtQuick2ApplicationViewer to show your QML window ?
I'm preety new to Qt, actually, It's my first time I got my hands on it (not new to c++ though). To be hones I don't know what that "QtQuick2ApplicationViewer" is.
I just went: new project>Application>Qt Quick UI and then after that i added another new item - right click (on the project, left side window of Qt) > add new > QML File (Qt Quick 2).
I don't know if I'm allowed to paste links here but if it's not I'll remove it right away. Was following this guys tutorials.
No problem with sharing links as long as they are related to Qt :)
Ok, so the tutorial is using a Qt Quick UI project which means QML only and no C++. You need to create a new project using the Qt Quick Application template. With that one you'll be able to use both C++ and QML. You also have the "Extending QML Functionalities using C++" chapter in Qt's documentation that should help you get started with mixing QML and C++