Advice for a sport software with serialport comunication
Hello all,
I'm new to QT and C++ but I need to make a simple sport software with a RFID antenna technology that recognize the bib of athletes, in my case the number of a mountain bike race.
When the antenna it take a number when biker passes in front of antenna I want to store the number in a mysql table but If the biker stop in front of antenna I don't want to read and store multiple times of his number; I want to store only one number for each laps for all bikers of the race.
how can I do this?
Hi and welcome to Qt forums,
You would need to get the Antenna working with Qt first. Debug it until you get it to have the functionality you need.
Then you can integrate Database saving.
You can access a database directly with Qt, or use a web service to access your DB.I suggest going in small steps before trying to do the whole system at once.
Good luck! -
To add to maximus, do you have any hardware already running ?
So by the time I did compile driver for mysql and some tests and I can write data to a mysql table from qt code.
Yes I have a antenna hardware and two software, one is compiled windows software for test antenna (equipped with hardware) and another source code that can read tags from antenna but it's wrote in c and compiled on linux only via command line. I have also a DLL library and SDK software from producer.
I need to make window software because the people who will use my software aren't skilled programmers.
I took a look with example "Terminal Example" but without attacched antenna and this could be a good start point if this can read the data from Tags.
Does that SDK provide access to the data you get from the antenna ?
If it uses the serial port (or shows in the system as such, like much hardware does) you'll at worst be facing a custom protocol, more likely something like ModBUS i believe, which you then have to implement atop QSerialPort.
It's not that hard, but pretty time-consuming, my advice is only implement the subset you're actually going to use.