Qt Contacts 5.0 - PIM - Ministro?
I try to make something using contacts of the device and make calls/sends sms and I faced an issue: in the good old days there was QtMobility including all the fancy stuffs but it was changed in Qt 5.x.
It has been split and some parts are still missing from default Qt5.x releases. Especially QtContacts...
I've found Qt PIM - and Qt Contacts 5.0 - but I have no clue how to get it installed and get it work on my developer machine (Windows 7) and on the real rig, my Nokia X...
I'm totally newbie in this arena so any info is more than welcome. More detailed is better... :D
An other question: how to replace default android caller/dialer with an app made with qt?
Unfortunately, Qt Contacts is not actively maintained, and has not been polished enough to be released. I do not recommend trying to use it for production.
However, if you are feeling adventurous, download the latest "source code":https://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qtpim/, open src/contacts/contacts.pro in Qt Creator, and build it with both your Windows kit and Android kit (Warning: This might be a tedious process and it might not even work)
[quote author="zlutor" date="1418305052"]An other question: how to replace default android caller/dialer with an app made with qt?[/quote]You'll need to check the Android documentation.