Stopping the execution of a QThread when a signal is emitted from another thread
In my application I have two intensive operations that I start a new Thread to run them. What I am trying to accomplish is that when for example Thread 1 is finished, I want to end Thread 2. Only if Thread 1 is done I will want to end the execution of the function in Thread 2.
How I am starting my Threads is:
@//Thread 1 QThread* thread = new QThread; Worker* worker = new Worker; // AQObject worker->moveToThread(thread); connect(thread, SIGNAL(started()), worker, SLOT(process())); //in process the intensive function is called connect(worker, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(quit())); connect(worker, SIGNAL(finished()), worker, SLOT(deleteLater())); connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(deleteLater())); thread->start(); Q_EMIT startThread2(); // Signal connected to slot that starts thread 2 in the same way.
How Could I go about doing this?
I think I managed to stop the execution of the thread when I'm supposed to. However I am having the need to call a slot which is in the Qobject (Worker above) by emitting a signal from the main thread.
I tried doing a connection:
From main thread I just added this connection below :
connect(this, SIGNAL(callSlot()), worker, SLOT(mySlotToExecute()));thread->start();
@The signal callSlot is emitted after a key press.
But the slot is never called. Is this even possible somehow?
How do you know the slot is not called ?
Did you checked on the console whether you got any error message concerning the connection ?