Load specific sqlite column and row into an integer variable
Im doing a qt application, where I need to load a specific SQLite value into a specific integer variable. There doesn't seem to be any simple solution on the net.
My code is:
QString table = "Measurement";
QString column = "MeasurementId";
QString data = "10";ptr_mydb = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE"); ptr_mydb.setConnectOptions(); ptr_mydb.setDatabaseName("/home/stud/sqlite/ghdb.sqlite"); // database path on devkit ptr_mydb.open(); if(ptr_mydb.open()) { qDebug() << "Database connection established"; } else { qDebug() << "Database connection error"; } QSqlQuery qry; qry.exec("insert into main.'"+table+"' ('"+column+"') values ('"+data+"')"); // insert in db qDebug() << "Written "<< data <<" to db"; // read from db QSqlQueryModel *Model = new QSqlQueryModel; qry.exec("SELECT FROM "+column+" main.'"+table+"'"); Model->setQuery(qry); int readData = Model->data(Model->index(0,0)).toInt(); qDebug() << "Data read: " << readData;@
Saving to the SQLite db is no problem, but I cant seem to load from it.
I tried this, but that didn't work:
@int readData = Model->data(Model->index(1,1)).toInt();@Please tell me if you know a way to get sqlitedata to an int variable.