Facebook connect with Qt 5.3
Maybe "this":https://github.com/yoka/QMLFB/blob/master/Facebook.qml ?
In my experience, it's more easy to use directly the official Facebook SDK.
For doing so, you need to create a subclass of QObject and register it using qmlRegisterType. In this way, you can use it directly from QML as any other non-visual Items.
Then, you can implement the method for logging into Facebook using the SDK, of course this means that you need to implement the method for each platform you support.
In my case, one for iOS and one for Android.I don't have a clean example code, I can share some code snippets if you want.
[quote author="cowboyxs" date="1415356027"]
Hi, Gianluca. I think it may help me. Please share some snippets :).
[/quote]I have sparse code among various projects, and because now I need Facebook connect and some open graph actions for sharing content, I'm going to reorganize the code and put everything in one place.
If you can wait, I'll post here where to get the code. And I'll share to the community. -
you can use our "Facebook plugin":http://plugins.v-play.net/doc/plugin-facebook/ which uses the native Facebook SDK on iOS & Android (and not just a WebView).Example Code:
@import VPlay.plugins.facebook 1.0Facebook {
licenseKey: "<your-plugin-license-key>"appId: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
readPermissions: [ "email", "user_friends" ]
publishPermissions: ["publish_actions"]Component.onCompleted: {
// this performs a Facebook connect at app startup
// if the user already connected with Facebook before, no login dialog will be shown
}@ -
There is a lot of social network interaction code which is open source in the Nemo Mobile project.
The nemo-qml-plugin-social module provides a QML plugin which allows interaction with the Facebook Open Graph (currently only version 1 - patches to make it support the latest version are welcome!). It doesn't handle authentication, so you need to do your OAuth2 flow via cpp/webview/etc.
The repository (BSD licensed) is here: https://github.com/nemomobile/nemo-qml-plugin-social
An example app (this one just shows the home feed / wall):
import QtQuick 2.0
import org.nemomobile.social 1.0Item {
id: root
width: 600
height: 900
property string accessToken: "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" // provided by main.cpp
// note: for testing, you can copy the one from https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorerFacebook { // this provides the connection to the Facebook service id: facebook accessToken: root.accessToken onCurrentUserIdentifierChanged: { console.debug("Current user identifier: " + currentUserIdentifier) } } SocialNetworkModel { // this models the data offered by the social network id: model socialNetwork: facebook nodeIdentifier: facebook.currentUserIdentifier filters: [ ContentItemTypeFilter { type: Facebook.Home } ] Component.onCompleted: model.populate() } Text { id: countText anchors.top: parent.top anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter text: "There are: " + model.count + " posts!" } ListView { id: view clip: true spacing: 5 anchors.top: countText.bottom anchors.bottom: parent.bottom width: parent.width model: model delegate: Item { width: view.width - 20 height: content.height + 20 x: 10 Rectangle { id: background anchors.fill: parent color: index % 2 == 0 ? "red" : "blue" opacity: 0.3 } Column { id: content anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter Text { text: "From: " + model.contentItem.from.objectName } Text { text: model.contentItem.message != "" ? model.contentItem.message : model.contentItem.story } Image { source: model.contentItem.picture } } } footer: Item { width: view.width height: childrenRect.height Text { anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter text: model.hasNext ? "Load more" : "Cannot load more" MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: model.loadNext() } } } }
@Alternatively, if you want better offline caching support, you can synchronise data to an sqlite database cache, which is then queried via models exposed to QML. This is the approach taken by the libsocialcache library in Nemo Mobile (which is LGPLv2.1 licensed):
The data is cached by the synchronizer:
For simple in-memory graph access, however, I'd suggest using nemo-qml-plugin-social.
If you need any help / have any questions, just yell :-)
Kind regards,
Chris Adams.http://www.qinetic.com.au/ - Qt & QML User Experience Specialists
There is a lot of social network interaction code which is open source in the Nemo Mobile project.
The nemo-qml-plugin-social module provides a QML plugin which allows interaction with the Facebook Open Graph (currently only version 1 - patches to make it support the latest version are welcome!). It doesn't handle authentication, so you need to do your OAuth2 flow via cpp/webview/etc.
The repository (BSD licensed) is here: https://github.com/nemomobile/nemo-qml-plugin-social
An example app (this one just shows the home feed / wall):
import QtQuick 2.0
import org.nemomobile.social 1.0Item {
id: root
width: 600
height: 900
property string accessToken: "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" // provided by main.cpp
// note: for testing, you can copy the one from https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorerFacebook { // this provides the connection to the Facebook service id: facebook accessToken: root.accessToken onCurrentUserIdentifierChanged: { console.debug("Current user identifier: " + currentUserIdentifier) } } SocialNetworkModel { // this models the data offered by the social network id: model socialNetwork: facebook nodeIdentifier: facebook.currentUserIdentifier filters: [ ContentItemTypeFilter { type: Facebook.Home } ] Component.onCompleted: model.populate() } Text { id: countText anchors.top: parent.top anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter text: "There are: " + model.count + " posts!" } ListView { id: view clip: true spacing: 5 anchors.top: countText.bottom anchors.bottom: parent.bottom width: parent.width model: model delegate: Item { width: view.width - 20 height: content.height + 20 x: 10 Rectangle { id: background anchors.fill: parent color: index % 2 == 0 ? "red" : "blue" opacity: 0.3 } Column { id: content anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter Text { text: "From: " + model.contentItem.from.objectName } Text { text: model.contentItem.message != "" ? model.contentItem.message : model.contentItem.story } Image { source: model.contentItem.picture } } } footer: Item { width: view.width height: childrenRect.height Text { anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter text: model.hasNext ? "Load more" : "Cannot load more" MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: model.loadNext() } } } }
@Alternatively, if you want better offline caching support, you can synchronise data to an sqlite database cache, which is then queried via models exposed to QML. This is the approach taken by the libsocialcache library in Nemo Mobile (which is LGPLv2.1 licensed):
The data is cached by the synchronizer:
For simple in-memory graph access, however, I'd suggest using nemo-qml-plugin-social.
If you need any help / have any questions, just yell :-)
Kind regards,
Chris Adams.http://www.qinetic.com.au/ - Qt & QML User Experience Specialists
I started to collect my code for using Facebook SDK into the following project:
For now there is only the login for iOS platform.
During the next week, I'll add more functionality and Android support.
Take a look. Of course, it's very small respect to other project but...Respect to V-play plugin, it's free ... but require more effort for you to use, because you need to install it manually.
Respect to Nemo Mobile project, you don't have to write any OAuth2 code for login and it will support the latest open graph API because I directly use the native Facebook SDK. So, it's easier.
I started to collect my code for using Facebook SDK into the following project:
For now there is only the login for iOS platform.
During the next week, I'll add more functionality and Android support.
Take a look. Of course, it's very small respect to other project but...Respect to V-play plugin, it's free ... but require more effort for you to use, because you need to install it manually.
Respect to Nemo Mobile project, you don't have to write any OAuth2 code for login and it will support the latest open graph API because I directly use the native Facebook SDK. So, it's easier.