QCamera wrong resolution
I use QCamera class to get images.
But the resolution is 640480 !
My camera resolution is 25921944I tried this:
camera = new QCamera(myCam);imageCapture = new QCameraImageCapture(camera); QImageEncoderSettings imageSettings; imageSettings.setResolution(2592,1944); imageCapture->setEncodingSettings(imageSettings); camera->setViewfinder(ui->viewfinder); connect(imageCapture, SIGNAL(imageCaptured(int,QImage)), this, SLOT(processCapturedImage(int,QImage))); camera->setCaptureMode(QCamera::CaptureStillImage); camera->start();
But it still 640*480.
Anyone have already solved this problem? thx
You should also add which version of Qt and OS you are using.
Did you check the value of available resolutions with supportedResolutions ?
Os: Windows 7 & 8.1
Qt : 3.0.0, Fram : 5.2.0, Compiler : Mingw 4.8
App in 32 bitYes I tried supportedResolutions or supportedFlash (the flash doesn't work too)... but ALL results of this function are "VOID":
@qDebug() << imageCapture->supportedResolutions();@
Result :