Sorry for the question, but how I can crosscompile to ARM (Raspberry)?
Hi guys, I have some doubts!
I make a console app to use in the Raspberry (Linux on top). I Try to compile in my PC and use the app on the device but doesn't work.
So I ready a litle and I think that I need to configure my qt to compile to Raspberry (ARM), but I try to configure and something happens!!!
Please how can I do configure my Qt to compile to this platform? I'm using community version of Qt5.3!Thanks all for help me!
"RaspberryPi_Beginners_guide": should get you started.
Or "building-qt-5-raspberry-pi": can be downloaded from "here": and you can use latest image from "here":
You can compile by yourself following this tutorials. However if you compile Buildroot, or Yocto you'll get all the components to make your system and develop applications for it. By generating SDK on Yocto you have all the you needs to cross-compile and deploy your application, the same happens with the generated qmake with buildroot.
But the most valuable thing you win by doing this is that your system generates automatically. If you need a Qt's library, you just add this in Yocto or Buildroot and both development's and system's machines will be updated with the new package.I hope I have helped you.