[Solved] Is it possible to have a mainwindow with a frame where i can load other windows?
is it possible to have a 'mainwindow' with a menu and buttons that do not change.
on this 'mainwindow' a place like a frame where i can load different windows (QWidget/QDialog) depending on which buttons on the 'mainwindow' was clicked.like this : (sorry for the bad sketch)
mainwindow: (win1 clicked)WIN1 win2 win3 bla bla bla this is win1 grpbox1 tblvw1 pshbttn1 -------------------------------------------- mainwindow: (win2 clicked)
win1 WIN2 win3 bla bla bla this is win2 grpbox2 lnedit1 pshbttn2 -------------------------------------------- mainwindow: (win3 clicked)
win1 win2 WIN3 bla bla bla this is win3 img.jpg pshbttn3 label3 -------------------------------------------- @
Have a look at QTabWidget, QStackedLayout and QStackedWidget. They're probably what you need
thank you - perfect -
thats exactly what i was searching for -